You know, there are several groups that I associate myself with. I'm talking classes of people with like-minded opinions or interests that include video gamers, comic book geeks, movie enthusiasts, wrestling fans and of course... gun people.
Often times I am made to feel ashamed by others for liking wrestling because it's fake (it's predermined. There's a difference.) or for liking comic books and video games. But more often I am ashamed by my own group. This happens 9 out of 10 times most usually with gun people. Don't get me wrong here; gun people can be the best. When I say 9 out of 10 I mean the incidents. 9 out of 10 gun people are amazing, knowledgeable, and friendly. But there is always that one guy that shits in the apple pie.
Price gouging is nothing new. It's something that seems to be ingrained in the human DNA. Some try to write it off as simple supply and demand while others pull out there insult thesauri and start reading down the list to berate the guy trying to peddle his wares for exorbitant amounts of money.
The most glaringly obvious as of late has been the .22 LR shortage. I work at a sporting goods retail store and deal with this day in and day out. It doesn't matter if we get 100 rounds or 100,000 rounds; they are gone within a matter of minutes. But that is a story for another day. Today I am focusing on this guy who posted an ad on a local online classifieds site for the soon-to-be-impossible-to-get Glock 43:
"Capitalism" |
So this guy (whether he be dealer or mortal man) has ordered several of these Glock 43's for the full intent of reselling them. As you can see his price is almost double Glock's MSRP of $580 on the gun. The question is why? Why would someone do this? In every realm of collecting there are the rare and hard to find that demand hefty prices. But this is ridiculous in my book. Buying multiples with the intent to sell at an inflated price is apparently a hot button issue on many message boards of whether or not it is legal according to ATF rule. I'm not going to argue that here. I'm not a lawyer. I would rather debate on the moral grounds that instead of buying one for himself and allowing two other happy people the ability to pick up their guns, he has decided to hoard them for himself AND then gouge his fellow "gun people" for the chance, nay, the PRIVILEGE to buy a pistol from him for twice the manufacturer's suggested retail price. Maybe this is something we need to start standing up for? Maybe this is why those that aren't gun people look down on us for trying to screw our brothers? Maybe it's a lesson in the fact that maybe we don't NEED a new gun and if you wait 3 months the hype will die down and they will be at your dealer in no time? Or maybe I'm just bitter because if I want one I have to buy it from this jackass?
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